{Interview} From IBS to Abundant Wellness – Wellness Coach & Yogini Kim Armstrong Shares Her Story

Today, I’m delighted to share with you my interview with Kim Armstrong, a certified wellness coach, yoga practitioner and published cookbook author. Her regularly updated website, which you can visit at Your Abundant Wellness, is full of mouth watering recipes — all gluten and dairy free. Think salmon pate, chocolate, smoothies, and more. The photos […]

Extended Breastfeeding and Introducing Solids – Ending Breastfeeding, Iron Supplementation, and Sleep

As my little bundle of joy, Nicholas, is approaching the 6 months mark, I thought I would share some information about extended breastfeeding and introducing solids. Many of you have asked about my family’s diet (read more here), including what I feed my little boys. Here are some answers, including both facts and personal experience. […]

Probiotics and Breastmilk – Boosting a Baby’s Immune System (And What Do I Personally Use?)

In the US alone, nearly 1 billion of probiotics are sold every year and sales are on the rise. But can probiotics, both from supplements and from those existing naturally in breastmilk, affect the health of our breastfeeding babes? Research says that yes, they can. Do probiotics pass into breastmilk? The short answer is yes, […]